Frequency Astrology
Evolve to your highest frequency.

Natal Chart Readings
Explore the depth of potential represented in your natal chart, a representation of the sky at the moment of your birth. With a natal chart reading, we are able to interpret and understand your soul's evolutionary goals in this lifetime, and shed light on individuating characteristics within one's self.

Transit Chart Readings/Consultation
Dive deeper into your astrological chart with this offering. Together we will examine the current astrological climate and how it is interacting with your individual astrological constitution, and also consider upcoming spiritual opportunities that lie ahead.
Note: While transit readings can offer a wealth of information and insight for clients who are recognizing their impact in life already, the natal chart must be examined first as it is the root prediction for one's lifetime.
Composite Chart Readings/Consultation
Astrology is a wonderful tool to not only help us learn about ourselves as individuals, but also to help better understand our relationships with other people. A composite chart merges two individual’s birth charts into a single chart, representing the relationship itself. A composite chart reading can help identify many interesting dynamics within a relationship and how the relationship functions, as well as potential challenges within a relationship with respect to transiting celestial objects and aspects being made. Interested in learning more about your relationship with a potential partner or significant other? **Does not need to be a romantic partnership; composite charts are helpful when examining familial relationships, friendships, business partnerships, etc.**

Crystal Energy Coaching/Consultation
Crystals and stones can be useful tools when trying to master the potential of our personal energy, but also can be overwhelming due to the vast array of metaphysical properties they can offer. We may feel attuned to a certain frequency at one time that may not be the best alignment with us at others. With a Crystal Energy Consultation both your natal and current transits in your chart maybe taken into consideration to best recommend certain minerals to help enhance energy that will positively serve you or provide energy to help ground you through upcoming challenges. This service can either help you best select stones in your personal collection or have a care package mindfully sourced, prepared, and shipped to you from us at Kismet Wellness.
Astrological Tutoring
Interested in developing your skills as an astrologer? Work one-on-one with an evolutionary astrologer to learn the craft of casting and interpreting charts. Meet regularly to practice technical as well as intuitive skills.
No prior study is necessary, however familiarity with the astrological signs and symbols provides a very helpful foundation for learning.
Tutoring packages are custom built around the goals and ideal timeline of the study. Please contact us to design a custom program to promote your own growth as an astrologer. Tutoring fees are priced on a sliding scale.

Interested in scheduling a consultation or reading?
Call or Text: (207) 200 - 6348
E-Mail: KismetWellness@yahoo.com
Instagram: @frequencyastrology
All readings are done live via Zoom. Recording is available.
Natal Reading
Natal and Transit Reading Packages
3 sessions: $350
Includes 90 minute initial natal reading, and two 1-hour follow up transit sessions
Tutoring/Ongoing Consulting
Please e-mail to discuss a package rate for your unique desires.